Ephesians - Grace to You

Intro to Ephesians
Historical background for Paul's letter to the Ephesians, a broad letter to the churches in Asia Minor.

Ephesians 1 - Mystery of God revealed in Christ
God selected the Apostle Paul to be His mouthpiece to the Gentiles. Here in the beginning of this letter Paul shares that the mystery of God is revealed through reaching the Gentiles.

Ephesians 2 - The Grace and Judgment of God
The word translated "grace" is used more frequently in Ephesians than any other NT writing. It's like a coin spinning: Heads is the amazing love of God...Tails is His judgment against our tendency to live selfishly.

Ephesians 2 - Law and Grace
We must fully embrace Jesus as the Saviour and accept His grace...AND fully embrace Jesus as LORD - you are to see yourself as His servant - a slave to Jesus.

Ephesians 2 - SIT (from "Sit, Walk, Stand")
Sit , from Watchman Nee's book "Sit, Walk, Stand." Jesus now sits on a throne next to the Almighty One. We are urged by Paul to see ourselves as seated with Christ. HE has done ALL the work - we must trust Him.

Ephesians 4 - WALK with Christ
As Paul begins the section of "walking" in a manner worthy, he does not begin with do not drink, or smoke, or dip, or commit sexual sins. He does go there, but he BEGINS by urging us to show love and grace to "one another" in the family of God.

Ephesians 5 - WALK - Live in the Spirit
We are expected to live a life, to WALK out our faith, to be different from others around us who are not living this life of faith.

Ephesians 5 - The Family of God
We are God's family: the context for this passage about marriage and children. What is the context of "wives submit to your husbands?"

Ephesians 6 - STAND Against the Enemy
Jesus has already WON the battle. Our armour is defensive - we are called to Stand our ground which Jesus has already claimed.

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